Danny’s DNA Discoveries – Orbiliomycetes of the PNW
This class produces tiny stemless cups/discs on wood. that often appear translucent or waxy. When yellow, as they often are, they are easily confused with Calycina ('Bisporella') which are not translucent. When not yellow they are easily confused with many other similar species. They are best recognized by capitate paraphyses. A comprehensive worldwide monograph is available (V1 and V2), but has limited sequencing of types. abundant common uncommon rare - colour codes match my Pictorial Key and are my opinions and probably reflect my bias of living in W WA. Rare species may be locally common in certain places at certain times. |
The following species are reported here based on microscopy in the Baral monograph for the PNW, but it's not often that they provided sequencing data. Orbilia angiosubvinosa EU - an unsequenced collection from Acme WA
Orbilia brettii holotype, unsequenced O. cf. eremaeae, and unsequenced O. cf. subclavuliformis © A and O Ceska unsequenced O. cf. vibrioides and O. cf. xanthostigma © A and O Ceska, capitate paraphyses © Danny Miller |