Danny’s DNA Discoveries – Aphroditeola of the PNW
(Aphroditeolaceae) |
Formerly in Hygrophoropsis because of its superficial resemblance and forking, sometimes interveined gills, but those are gilled boletes. It's a unique mushroom: pink, strongly decurrent forked white gills, and the odor of tutti-frutti bubble gum. It's also unique because it is one of the first lineages in the Agaricales to produce a mushroom that grows on the ground instead of from wood (the other is Hodophilus). All other gilled mushrooms in this sub-order are found on wood, and except for Tricholomopsis, with reduced stems. abundant common uncommon rare - colour codes match my Pictorial Key and are my opinions and probably reflect my bias of living in W WA. Rare species may be locally common in certain places at certain times. |
Aphroditeola Aphroditeola CA01 complex - small, pink capped, strongly decurrent forked white gills, smells strongly like tutti-frutti bubble gum! Our DNA is 4% different from the only east coast DNA I have, and if it turns out to also differ from European DNA (where A. olida is described) we will need a new name for our species. The east coast has a name they could use (A. morganii from Hygrophoropsis morganii) but we don't have any west coast names yet. Some of our sequences (which we have from BC, WA, OR and CA) vary from each other in 5 ambiguous locations. We have one sequence from WA that differs by 5 bp from the others in places that are not the 5 ambiguous places, but given that we've already found 5 ambiguous locations it's too early to tell whether or not those other 5 differences represent a second species. unsequenced Aphroditeola CA01 © Andrew Parker |