These little white spored mushrooms have a pretty unique shape... a depressed to umbilicate cap (more concave than convex), with the cap edge sometimes not rolled down and strongly decurrent gills. To qualify for this category, you also have to be quite small, 2.5cm across or less on average, with a stem only a few mm thick. Larger mushrooms of this description are considered to be of clitocyboid stature. Some Clitocybes are in fact this small (but check here first, this page is shorter), but the decurrent gills or the umbilicate cap may not be quite as extreme. The caps are not usually viscid, there is no partial veil and they might be found on the ground, moss or wood.
In days of yore when we had no better way of determining if mushrooms were related other than whether or not they looked like each other, mushrooms were simply named after their stature, so many of the mushrooms on this page were once named Omphalina. Since then all these new names have been created for the groups that are actually related to each other, but each stature type still has its "core genus" of mushrooms that have kept that name. Ironically, there are no local, common Omphalina left!
If your mushroom is especially waxy and colourful, consider
that it might be a waxy
cap. Clitocybula abundans and Sphagnurus paluster may be decurrent and umbilicate, but usually not strongly so. |
Arrhenia - these are mostly dark brown, but one is a beautiful blue-green. Other Arrhenias are oddly shaped and found on the oddballs page. Possibly confused with Omphaliaster with a farinaceous odor. The brown ones are usually hygrophanous. Except for the first two, very difficult to tell apart. In the Hygrophoroid clade. (See also Omphalina, below).
A. rainierensis - (<2.5cm) on mossy ground with a pubescent stem.
A. onisca - larger (<5cm) with a longer, smooth stem (>2 cm).
Also dark brown, yet unrelated (Tricholomatineae).
Myxomphalia maura - dark brown, viscid, umbilicate and hygrophanous and only growing on burnt ground. Amyloid spores (darkening in iodine).
Pseudoomphalina angelesiana (Neohygrophorus angelesianus) - somewhat waxy with a viscid cap. Not hygrophanous. In the spring near snow. Amyloid spores. <2.5cm. See below for a paler brown Pseudoomphalina.
Xeromphalina - known by their dark wiry stems, which make them resemble some Marasmius, but they are not in that family. All may have somewhat decurrent gills except for X. fulvipes, which may be unrelated and belong in its own genus. Amyloid spores (darkening in iodine).
X. campanella/
X. cirris/
X. campanelloides/
These form a clade of species not easily distinguished.
Rickenella/Loreleia - purple or orange, long stemmed omphalinoids on moss and covered in fine hairs (Rickenella) or on liverworts and not covered in fine hairs (Loreleia). Caps <1.5cm. These are in the Hymenochaetales order of polypores! That is one of the big surprises to come out of DNA testing, to be sure. Although other orders like the Russulales have many gilled mushrooms, those were so microscopically different it was obvious they were not like other gilled mushrooms. These seem for all the world to be just like other gilled mushrooms.
R. fibula - orange! Smaller and less waxy than Hygrocybe cantharellus.
Contumyces/Omphalina/Aphroditeola - pinkish omphalinoids.
Contumyces rosellus - pink tones, sometimes marginate gills. Pruinose cap and stem. On moss. Hymenochaetales.
Omphalina pyxidata - similar, rumoured to be here too.
Aphroditeola olida (Hygrophoropsis morganii) - pink with white or pink forked gills, once thought to be a gilled bolete! Smells like tutti-frutti bubble gum! On the ground. Pleurotineae.
Lichenomphalia - A lichen is a symbiosis between an alga and a fungus, where neither could live if not in the presence of the other. The fungal component of almost all lichens is a member of the Ascomycota (none of which are featured in these pages), but there are two exceptions around here, this basidio-lichen and Multiclavula on the club fungus page. Lichenomphalia is in the Hygrophoraceae.
Pseudolaccaria and Pseudoomphalina - difficult to ID. Somewhat farinaceous. Pseudolaccaria is bitter and Pseudoomphalina is not. The spore walls slightly darken in iodine. Tricholomatineae.
A few from other sections can look Omphalinoid.
Tetrapyrgos (Marasmiellus) candidus - <2.5cm, white (gills turning pink in age), on wood, with dark stem bases.
Mycena picta - <1cm, unique looking gills and distinctly grooved cap.
Gamundia striatula - <2.5cm, cap becoming umbilicate, gills adnate to decurrent. Hygrophanous, striate when moist. Warty spores like Lepista. Tricholomatineae.