Danny’s DNA Discoveries – Tremellodendropsis of the PNW
Tremellodendropsis are interesting corals kind of by themselves in a basal order, a part of the tree where you usually find jelly fungi. These are not really gelatinous, but they are tough and hard to break, with a different texture than all other coral fungi. They grow on the ground, but I believe their biology is unknown. The hyphal system is dimitic, with skeletel hyphae like polypores (conks) to make them extra tough. Microscopically, their basidia are somewhat like jelly fungi basidia. They don't have long sterigmata because they don't need to grow out of a gelatinous substance, but they do have a remant of longitudinal septation, just at the top. abundant common uncommon rare - colour codes match my Pictorial Key and are my opinions and probably reflect my bias of living in W WA. Rare species may be locally common in certain places at certain times. |
Tremellodendropsis PNW01 - different regions of the world seem to have their own species, although around the world they are all usually called Tremellodendropsis tuberosa. That is a UK species, and while I'm not sure what that sequence looks like, the UK and the PNW don't seem to share a genetic species. So far, all 6 PNW sequences are the same species. Back east, they appear to have 3 unique species. Tremellodendropsis PNW01 © Matthew Koons |