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Veined Mushrooms - Chanterelles and similar looking mushrooms, with undersides ranging from almost completely smooth to veined, but never quite fully gilled. Even though they are not all related, most are mycorrhizal.

Cantharellus (Cantharellales) - the popular chanterelle, medium sized and stocky, coming in orange and white. Note the difference between chanterelle veins and regular gills. 5-15cm or so. The stems are solid.

C. formosus - often west of the cascades. Uniformly orange and somewhat slender.

C. cascadensis - east of the cascades and southern. Yellow fading to white in the centre, with paler veins. Stockier, clavate stem.

C. roseocanus - pale cap with a hint of rose. Veins brighter than the cap. Often but not always with spruce and Pine.

C. subalbidus - starts out white but will turn orange in age. Stockier than C. formosus, but confusable with the others when old.

C. californicus - a uniformly orange stocky species and our only one always under hardwoods. Southern.

False chanterelles

Hygrophoropsis - this gilled bolete has thinner blade-like gills than the ridges of a chanterelle.

Chroogomphus tomentosus - dry, orange and fuzzy. Another gilled mushroom very often mistaken for a chanterelle.

Turbinellus floccosus - orange, but paler more irregular veins, scaly and umbilicate. (Fully described below).


Craterellus (Cantharellales) - contains the very common small winter brown chanterelle and a rare (but very common in California) black chanterelle with barely any hint of veins at all, which might make it difficult to recognize. <10cm. The stems are hollow.

C. 'neotubaeformis' ('infundibuliformis') - small and slender, orange to brown cap.

C. calicornucopioides ('cornucopioides') - practically smooth under the cap, almost worth moving to CA for, where it is a weed, mostly under oak. An excellent edible.

C. atrocinereus ('cinereus') - similar less tubular oak species with prominent veins.


Gomphus/Turbinellus/Clavariadelphus (Gomphales) - with irregular wrinkled folds unlikely to be mistaken for true gills. They are related to the colourful Ramaria corals. Up to 15cm or so. Their spores are wrinkled to warted.

G. clavatus - purple veins! 

T. floccosus - orange, but paler more irregular veins, flattened scales and umbilicate (unlike Cantharellus). Fades to brown.

T. bonarii - similar southern species, smaller, clustered, paler, more erect scales and often partially buried.

T. kauffmanii - brown, larger, with more erect scales.

Clavariadelphus truncatus - these "club" fungi may have wrinkled stems (click through to see others). <15cm.


Polyozellus mutliplex grp (Thelephorales) - related to many of the tougher stemmed Toothed mushrooms (except Hydnum) and the Boletopsis polypore. The so-called blue chanterelles, growing in large clusters 15cm high and even wider.

Polyozellus atrolazulinus - the brightest blue when fresh, dark flesh, smallest species with the smallest spores.

P. marymargaretae - light blue when young, darkening to look like the others in age, blue flesh.

P. purpureoniger - tends to purplish, pale flesh.


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