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Expert Links: Clavaria Clavulinopsis Alloclavaria
Clavicorona Clavariadelphus Typhula Multiclavula
Mucronella Calocera

Key to Clubs:


Clavaria - the classic "club" fungus, individual delicate clubs coming up from the ground, usually around 5cm high and .5cm wide. They are in the Agaricales and probably somewhat related to the waxy cap gilled mushrooms (Hygrophoroid). Found on the ground, but probably saprophytic.

C. falcata (acuta) - white with translucent base (almost like an earth tongue). <8cm high, <.3cm wide.

C. fragilis (vermicularis) - taller, more clustered, <15cm high, <.5cm wide

C. rosea - pink! <5cm high, <.5cm wide.

C. flavipes - yellow, especially at base.


Similar club shaped fungi unrelated to each other, usually <10cm high, <0.5cm wide. Found on the ground, but also probably saprophytic.

Clavulinopsis laeticolor - golden clusters, darker tip? Agaricales.

C. gracillima ('luteoalba') - pale tips, hollow inside

Alloclavaria purpurea - purple clubs, in the Hymenochaetales?

Clavicorona taxophila - white club with crown shape margin. Smaller, <3cm high, <.5cm wide. Agaricales.


Clavariadelphus - tougher, wrinkled clubs (sometimes like veined fungi). Found on the ground. They are closely related to the veined fungi Gomphus and Turbinellus (not surprisingly) and to the corals Ramaria (very surprisingly) in the Gomphales. They may be mycorrhizal.

C. truncatus - the largest one, yellow-orange, <15cm high, club shaped top 5cm wide or more.

C. pallidoincarnatus - slightly paler and smaller southern species with a clubbed head.

C. occidentalis - medium size, yellow-orange-pink, <20cm high, usually >1cm wide.

C. caespitosus/subfastigiatus - clustered, medium, pinkish-cinnamon, up to 10cm or more, usually >1cm wide. KOH turns C. subfastigiatus green.

C. sachalinensis/ligula - smallest species, yellow-orange, <8cm tall, usually <1cm wide. Also club shaped top.

C. mucronatus - white with a thickened then pointed tip, <8cm tall, >1cm wide.


Typhula/Macrotyphula - our thinnest, stringy clubs, held up almost as if by magic. These do sometimes have a differentiated "stem" part that is a different colour, and could therefore be mistaken for an Ascomycota earth tongue, but these are all much more slender. Typhula has a sclerotium, a dark ball of nutrients at the base of the club, difficult to see in these pictures. Found on woody debris. Saprophytic. Related to the Agaricales, probably to the waxy caps (Hygrophoroid).

Macrotyphula juncea - pale, tall, <10cm, <2mm wide on woody debris.

Typhula phacorrhiza - similar, but with a sclerotium (ball of nutrients) attached to the bottom.

Macrotyphula fistulosa - bigger, darker, <20cm tall, <1cm wide. Much taller than Clavariadelphus.

T. setipes - on hardwood leaves, tiny, <3mm, white, darker stem, sclerotium?

T. erythropus - on hardwood leaves, small, <3cm, white, stem and sclerotium dark red-brown.

T. incarnata/ishikariensis - similar to T. erythropus but parasitic on cereals, grasses and stems. <3cm, pale head and stem. Pinkish-orange/amber-brown sclerotium. Head of T. incarnata becomes pinkish.

T. sclerotioides - very similar to T. ishikariensis, on stems and leaves.

Pterula - similar hair-like clubs growing separately or in tufts.

Also consider Multiclavula.


Multiclavula corynoides group - the only other "basidio" lichen besides the gilled Lichenompahlia. Always associated with algae (like all lichens). <2cm tall, 1-2mm wide, on the ground. Related to the Cantharellales. Small Typhula have a sclerotium.

M. mucida - growing with algae on wood.


Mucronella - individual teeth hanging down from wood resembling teeth or crusts, but sometimes growing up when young like club fungi. They are also more individual like clubs than like teeth fungi, so they are found on both pages. Each tooth is usually <1cm long. Saprophytic. They are in the Agaricales.

M. calva/alba (bresadolae) - white. M. calva's teeth are smaller, usually ~1mm (compared to <6mm for M. alba).

M. fusiformis (pendula) - w/a tiny stem at the point of attachment. <5mm.

M. 'pulchra' - yellow in colour.


Calocera cornea - also consider this jelly fungus with a non-brittle rubbery texture, found on hardwood. <2cm high. In the jelly class, Dacrymycetes. Saprophytic


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